Nutrition Therapy for Heartburn

Most people experience heartburn at one point or another in life.

Some people find the symptoms to be severe and taxing. Many people take antacids or proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) as a normal part of life. However, as recent studies are showing, PPIs and antacids aren’t as safe as previously believed. In fact, physicians and patients now have many reasons to reconsider taking these drugs routinely. But if you struggle with heartburn, finding answers beyond drugs means having a good look at the foods, nutrients, and lifestyle factors that play a role. Many people have drastically reduced, or eliminated, their heartburn as a result of what Dianne and I will share with you today.

Dianne Rishikof is joining me today so that we can share with you the following:

  1. Heartburn and GERD: what are they exactly?
  2. There is an undeniable importance for having enough stomach acid, or HCL
  3. There are underlying reasons for heartburn (GERD) that are within your control
  4. How antacids/PPIs can backfire (and their nasty side-effects that will have you re-thinking them!)
  5. How to address heartburn with nutrition and lifestyle

Now, I have an important question for you.

Would you be interested in an online program to support you with heartburn reduction (using nutrition and lifestyle)? If so, please let me hear from you, as I’m thinking of piloting a heartburn support program.

Today’s Guest Collaborator:

Dianne Rishikof, MS, RDDianne Rishikof, MS, RD is an integrative & functional nutritionist and registered dietitian with a Masters degree in Nutrition Science and over 12 years of field experience. Her education & experience make her one of the most trusted nutritionists in Massachusetts. She has produced her own line of gut-healing supplements as well! Connect with Dianne on her website at



One response to “Nutrition Therapy for Heartburn”

  1. Mohammad says:

    Very informative article! I read your blog fairly often and you always post really great stuff.
    I shared this on Facebook and my followers really enjoyed it.

    Keep up the good work! 🙂

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