Stop dieting and start nourishing yourself

Many people believe that in order to be successful with weight loss, dieting demands endless willpower.

You think they need to deprive themselves of nearly everything you love to eat. But you also have to filter the sea of health advisors, all of whom advise differently with what to do with your health.

Eat vegan! No, eat paleo. Follow Weight Watchers!

No, use Intuitive Eating. Before you even start, you’re confused, stressed and exhausted!

So much of what isn’t working with diets is that we still believe the false notion that there is one perfect diet.

The truth is this: there is no perfect diet.

Health is a combination of environment, lifestyle, stress, emotional well-being, degree of happiness or unhappiness, physical activity, sleep, and human connection. Of course nutrition plays a role. But we seem to believe that nutrition and exercise are the ONLY roles that matter when it comes to weight loss. That’s wrong. And when it comes to finding the perfect diet, it all just depends on what you need. At any particular point in your life, your nutrition needs can and will change.

So can we agree to stop talking about nutrition as though it happens in a vacuum?

Because health is the sum total of all these parts. No one tiny thing is going to correct it all.

So what to do?

In order to really impact your health and weight, you’ve got to start with a few questions.

What do you ultimately want to achieve or who you want to become in the journey? Do you want to move more? Stress less? Sleep more? Feel some peace and contentment? Find happiness with yourself as you are? Find a supportive mentor who will cheer you on and help you stay engaged?

Structure your success

If you’ve ever felt disappointed and discouraged by failing at your weight loss attempts, not having the plan and structure behind it is very likely a big reason. Not being realistic is another big reason. This sets you further back with discouragement, lower self-efficacy, and resignation.

What’s in this podcast

Dietitian and Health Coach, Maria McConville, will join me to share how you can end your weight struggle by balancing your mind, body, and soul. We’ll talk about how to stop dieting and start nourishing yourself on the journey to better health.

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Here are the questions I ask Maria to address:

  1. What are some of the reasons you find it’s hard for people to lose weight?
  2. Essential concepts for people to contemplate to advance their journey to health.
  3. Most people believe that dieting = deprivation, tremendous willpower, and extreme discipline but few can sustain these long-term.
  4. What are obstacles people have with finding mental balance, and how can we address this?
    1. Our thoughts drive our outcomes. If we don’t have healthy thoughts, it’s hard to achieve healthy outcomes.
    2. One can change their thought processes to positive ones leading to positive outcomes.
    3. Being out of balance in some aspect of our lives holds us back from achieving what we really want to achieve.
  5. How does this affect the body?

Link to Maria’s book, Lose the Diet, Find Yourself.

Maria McConvilleAbout Maria McConville, MS,RD,CPT,CWC

Maria’s business, Balanced Body Nourishment, focuses on nourishing the body, mind, and soul through positive thought processes, healthy food, abundant energy, and taking control of one’s health. She has worked in the clinical arena, outpatient counseling and has coached thousands of clients.
Maria has a bachelor’s degree in Nutrition and a master’s degree in Public Health. She is a certified personal trainer and health coach. She holds a unique certification as a Master Resilience Trainer through the Army’s Soldier and Family Fitness program.
Maria is the author of the self-help weight loss workbook: Lose the Diet, Find Yourself. Her passion is coaching those struggling with weight by guiding them through a unique 5-step process that includes self-reflection, thinking, envisioning, planning, and acting.
Both personally and professionally, Maria teaches and coaches people to find better balance in life leading to better self-confidence, better weight control and optimal wellbeing.
She is a member of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, Northern Virginia Dietetic Association, and Nutrition Entrepreneurs.

Maria’s Website:

Maria’s Facebook page


3 responses to “Stop dieting and start nourishing yourself”

  1. Ann Clem says:

    I want it to work for me! Trouble is….I don’t have time to sit down and work out a plan.

    • Ann, I totally get it when you just feel like there isn’t enough time for it all! And there isn’t. We have to prioritize. In our busy lives, clarifying our priorities is essential. If you often find that you’re not able to make time for the things that really matter to you, it could be a few things. Maybe you really do have too much on your plate and need to re-prioritize what matters. Then, ecide what you can delegate or let go. Or, you are overwhelmed by the task of actually making a plan. Many people feel this way! This is often why people hire an expert – it saves time and is often more effective. Or, maybe this goal is not as important to you as you would like. All of these are fine, and please don’t judge yourself for your reasons. Just get clear. Once you get clear on the roots of the problem, then finding the solution becomes much easier. Remember, priorities change, so it’s good to evaluate them periodically to make sure your plans still match your priorities. And, if you’re just too busy or too overwhelmed to plan things yourself, then it’s probably time to hire some help. Your health insurance may even cover the cost of you working with a dietitian. Good luck!

  2. Anonymous says:

    Ann, I know you and you have good health, abundant energy, and do not appear to struggle with weight.
    But, as I always tell my children, “You make time for the things that are important to you.” There are no quick-fixes! Miss you

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