
Herbs that help you manage stress

By Rebecca Potter, MH When stress comes knocking on your door, what do you do? Hopefully you have a tried and true method to get your stress level down, since prolonged stress causes chronic disease and even kills! And it turns our nerves into raw uninsulated electrical wires that keep shorting out causing all sorts…

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How to deal when you’re frustrated

A few days ago, multiple snags attacked my beautifully cast fishing lines. Debris seemed like the only thing interested in accomplishing my week’s goals. Maybe it was the cold-grey rains of Seattle, or the weight of deadlines combined with endless project flops. Computer work can engender such feelings, especially when you've been glued to the…

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Boost your energy everyday

Has your energy abandoned you, leaving only a memory of better days? Bummer-deal energy or bad news health don’t have to conclude your fate! Here are simple, fool-proof strategies to for reclaiming your super-charge by fueling our body, mind and purpose every day. Meet our expert Laurie Erdman knows the story of fatigue and ill-health.…

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Why is Happiness So Elusive?

Most of the suffering in our lives is the result of an ignorant understanding in what we think will bring us happiness. Some would argue that all of our suffering is a result of this misunderstanding. So listen up, because this post will help you understand where happiness is and where it is not. If…

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