
In Nature We Trust

Eat foods that closely resemble their form and color when plucked from the dirt, tree, or vine. Think: how did my body evolve to eat food? (this is not a subtle plug for raw food diets, so don't get excited!) The more processing your  food has undergone, the fewer nutrients are left to help keep…

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Eat Ginger

Ginger - rich in superstar antioxidants with exotic names, like gingerol, shagoal, and zingerone.  It is beneficial for a kaleidescope of ailments, most notably appetite loss, stomach upset, stomachache, colic, diarrhea, dyspepsia, flatulence, motion sickness, nausea, pain, motion sickness, arthritis, migraine headaches, coughs and upper respiratory illnessess. It can even be used as a topical…

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