Will You Be Rich or Poor This New Year?

A poor man celebrates the New Year once a year. A rich man celebrates every day. The richest man celebrates every moment. How rich are you? – Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Everything we strive to gain in life can be taken away – cars, house, jobs, money, health, loved ones. The greatest wealth we can ever attain is inner wealth, as it can never be robbed from us.  Ultimately, inner wealth squashes our suffering and gives us total freedom from within. It’s like having a boat to keep you afloat when lost at sea.  For many, it is much more than this; it is the most imperative quest in life.

Here are a few ways for us to find our inner riches and celebrate life much more this year:

  • Express gratitude daily, for everything you can (see post on 12/23/09 for tips)
  • Keep your smile. It is the most precious thing you have.
  • Relax! Do you think you are controlling this Universe? Do you think the Intelligence behind the scenes has forgotten to take care of your life? Trust in the Great Intelligence in all things and drop your worries.
  • Stop dwelling over the past and fantasizing about the future. When you do, you will recover immense energy. This allows you to give it fully to the present moment, where our power to make change lies.
  • Recognize all beings as Divine, even when the ones who irritate you. When you see all beings as angels, your life dramatically shifts. See everyone as important in teaching you. Annoying people teach you about patience, compassion, acceptance, and sometimes, about what NOT to do!

What does the New Year represent to you, and what will you resolve to do differently, or better?

Please comment below! =)


5 responses to “Will You Be Rich or Poor This New Year?”

  1. Dusty Bacon says:

    Really enjoying what this blog has to offer. I’m sure you will reach a lot of people looking for your great lessons 🙂

  2. pops says:

    Dear ones, Time is a precious gift, given to us all by the Great Provider. See worth in every moment, the chances to fulfill all life’s possibilities. Put yourself in the nexus of Quantum reality, where all things are a potentiality until observed by consciousness and fixed into each of our experiences. Choose well how to spend your precious gift, and know there is an unlimited source from a loving creator. New years brings to mind, how we as individuals and, as a gestalt of co- consciousness, have chosen to spend our precious gift. Blessedly, more and more of our combined attention is turning toward, seeing the world as a synergistic commune, where all participants evolve or dissolve together. Each relying on each others special uniqeness to fullfill the dream of concious co creation. (-victory to the highest mind) jai gurudev.

    • Pops, you are the sweetest friend ever. Thank you for your good intentions and efforts to share words of wisdom. Maybe you can explain what you mean by ‘nexus of Quantum reality’?

  3. pops says:

    dearone, nexus is defined as a link or a connection, and quantum reality is that state of energy (string potential), where all manifestations start with, conciousness focusing attention, with intention, which fixes an energy potential, that we experience as material reality. so the nexus is that connection to all the potential probabilities that our hopes and fears call to fruition.

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