
Acorn Squash Stuffed with Quinoa

If you love quinoa, pesto and squash, you'll love this simple recipe. I'm the queen of scrapping together dinner with random refrigerator loners. This is what resulted. Let me know what you think! Ingredients: 3-4 cups leftover quinoa (can also use barley, rice, amaranth, etc) 1/3-1/2 cup gluten-free pesto ½ chopped onion 1/3 cup cranberries…

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Easy Chia Seed Pudding Recipe

They are no longer just the gag gift you bring to the office to stimulate water cooler talk. Chia seeds are now piled high on health food shelves, and consumers love them. Why? Well, chia seeds are mightily versatile and nutritious. Chia seeds add a terrific crunch to your post-workout smoothie. (more…)

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Herbal decongestant recipe

Don't let fall and winter illness get the better of you! Let nature's powerful remedies help you out this cold and flu season! Follow this simple recipe. (more…)

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Sun Protection In Your Food

You can eat "sunscreen foods" every day to maximize your body's self-protection against damaging rays. Protecting your skin by eating food tastes delicious, too! This approach can help decrease your exposure to toxins found in sunscreens and allow you to soak up enough rays for your body to make its own vitamin D. (more…)

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Little Miss Vitamin K

Meet Miss K. She is a mysterious nutrient that hides in fermented foods, dark leafy greens, herbs, and a bunch of other veggies. Until now, she’s an under-stated critical nutrient who's moving into the spotlight. Be the first to know about her magic in bone health, heart health, gut health, brain health and disease prevention.…

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Sprouted Cilantro-Lime Hummus with Olive Oil

This scrumptious recipe is sure to send your taste buds sailing! Plus, I list the top nutritional benefits to each ingredient in the recipe. Garbanzos are more digestible, and arguably more nutritious, when sprouted and raw. I find that sprouted garbanzos don't give me gas (TMI?) or tummy aches the way that canned garbanzos sometimes…

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Vegan Hot Chocolate is For Lovers

One reason winter is nice is because it gives me just one more reason to drink hot chocolate. One of my favorite things about being a vegan is how my hot chocolate kicked up several notches! You think I miss the milk, sugar, and cream? Not so. I feel that what I drink now is…

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8 Ways Cloves Heal Us & How to Use Them

Cloves are under-appreciated blossoms that heal many health ailments. When all my wisdom teeth were removed, I quickly discovered the agonizing pain of dry sockets. Vicodin left me with a hangover headache that was worse than the dry sockets. In desperate search for a solution, I remembered the old home remedy of using cloves for a…

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Immune-Boosting Tomatillo-Cilantro Dressing

Delicious and immune-boosting. This health-packed dressing took me less than ten minutes to prepare. Maybe less than five minutes. It was so fast that I think the clock actually moved backwards and I gained time. (more…)

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3-Ingredient Stuffed Sweet Potatoes

Put sweet potatoes on your fast food plan. Every time you fire up your oven, put a few sweet potatoes in to bake for future snacks. I eat them like donuts. They are super easy, grab-and-run snacks that fill the tank. They're a hug for my mouth and belly, delivering heart-warming flavor and texture. At…

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