
Lessons from the Christmas Tree

The tree doesn't think about it. It just stands tall and gives of itself naturally. It cleans the air and soil. It offers shade, color, and homes for countless animals, birds, and insects. Even when the tree is dead, it offers its body to us as furniture, houses, warmth in firewood, paper, and more. The tree…

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Will You Help Me Nourish Hungry Kids?

Katlynn was the poor girl in school. I remember that her clothes were often not clean, and her hair often matted. She lived in a Super 8 motel room where her mother worked as a maid. Katrina and her two younger brothers attended the same school as me during elementary and middle school. Katlynn was…

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How your shopping can improve the world

There is a lasting effect in every single dollar we spend. What we buy and where we buy it from impacts humans and the environment. There are so many ethical companies now, where their products help humans and the earth. Taking care of your fellow human can start with how you choose to spend your…

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10 Healthy Tips to Maximize Halloween Awesome (Beyond Candy)

Halloween was the standard american sugar binge affair when I grew up. Back then, I couldn't connect the dots between my sugar binges and mood swings, lethargy and blood sugar crashes. Of course I gobbed on countless pounds of candy. And my inner zombie tromped along in full force. Halloween is arguably the most creative American holiday. (more…)

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Boost your brain, heart and liver with choline

If like to learn, value using your brain in your work, or trying to support growing kids who need all the brain boost they can get, this post is for you. Choline is making a buzz around the public health hive for good reason. Your body needs it to support a healthy brain and memory;…

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14 Bizarre Ingredients Hidden in Your Food Labels

If you are what you eat, then what does eating beaver butt in your ice cream make you?? (wink!) Is that human hair you’re eating? Are you drinking fish bladder (no, that's totally not vegan!)? And let's not deny that most of us are - knowingly or not - enjoying some good ol’ fashioned wood…

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Your life is a cookbook

A dream is a goal with a date on it and action steps for  achieving it. It's April.  If you're like the majority of people, your New Year's goals are long since forgotten. If there were one goal that you'd resurrect for the Spring, which would you choose? (more…)

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Leading Nutrition Academy Sells Credibility

File this under #WTF. Registered Dietitian Nutritionists (RDNs) everywhere are blazing with outrage at the latest devious move by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (the Academy/AND). In a move that would leave thousands of Dietitians feeling betrayed, the Academy's board of directors made a closed-door deal with Kraft cheese. (more…)

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Sinus relief for cold and seasonal allergy

Flowers. Butterflies. Bees. Ahhhh, that's what we love about Spring! Sneezing. Stuffy nose. Fatigue. Is this a cold or Spring allergies? Spring has been in bloom here in Seattle since last month. That's since February. Bees, flies, mosquitoes and yellow jackets have all sprung from their nests already. Already. It's unreal! (more…)

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Feeling stuck? How to regain your inner power

You know the feeling of being stuck. It's that demoralizing sensation that you're not getting anywhere. That you're wasting your precious time and energy. That's when you start to think maybe you should give up. I've been there too. I've given up on hopes and dreams. And I've regretted it. (more…)

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