
Sprouted Cilantro-Lime Hummus with Olive Oil

This scrumptious recipe is sure to send your taste buds sailing! Plus, I list the top nutritional benefits to each ingredient in the recipe. Garbanzos are more digestible, and arguably more nutritious, when sprouted and raw. I find that sprouted garbanzos don't give me gas (TMI?) or tummy aches the way that canned garbanzos sometimes…

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Immune-Boosting Tomatillo-Cilantro Dressing

Delicious and immune-boosting. This health-packed dressing took me less than ten minutes to prepare. Maybe less than five minutes. It was so fast that I think the clock actually moved backwards and I gained time. (more…)

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Herbed Quinoa Salad

People wanted  our recipes for our wedding foods, like the yummy yam-coconut-ginger soup and the massaged kale salad. As I would learn, making your own wedding food is a bigger undertaking than a bride thinks, despite how much experience I think I have cooking for large groups of people on silent meditation retreats. Since preparing…

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