A Cloud is Just a Cloud

Even if you are feeling lousy, don’t identify with it. This is a serious mistake for any soul-searcher. So, you feel depressed today. Fine. Be aware of it.  Depression is the visitor today. You don’t have control over who knocks on your door and requests a visit. But you do control how you respond, and this is most critical. When a negative emotion knocks, and you ignore the call, does it go away? Does it really? Resisting the visitor’s knocking only invites the knocking to persist, getting louder and more difficult to tolerate. Like a crying baby, it wants to be noticed! Resisting invites other visitors, called ‘Agony’ and ‘Fear’, as you sit and worry about what will happen next. As my Guru says, “What you resist will persist.”

Relax. Have courage and faith. Depression, or any unpleasant sensation, is just that – a sensation. Can a sensation last forever? Only if you resist it. The unpleasant emotion is merely a cloud passing over the sun in the sky of your mind. But it is not your true nature. You are the sun. Can a cloud destroy the sun?

This condition will change, as all things do. Isn’t everything changing? Reflect on your life. What hasn’t changed since you have been alive?

So, open the door and relax. Each visitor has come only to share something. Some visitors are like butterflies in the making. Sit with the visitor 100%.  Offer it cookies. It is a guest, so be  friendly.

Your awareness in the experience will shift the entire experience. The experience will deepen you, increasing your compassion and sensitivity in life. Approach the experience with the ancient wisdom that deep inside, you are brilliant, beautiful, and a manifestation of God. Anything less is just a cloud covering the sun.


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Edmonds, Washington, USA


Phone number: TBA


2 responses to “A Cloud is Just a Cloud”

  1. pops says:

    we don’t see things as they are, we see things as we are.

  2. pops says:

    dearones life dos’nt happen to you , it happens thru you! So manifest the next greatest incarnation of yourself you can imagine, and fill your life with bliss, for the life we all lead , is the results of what we believe. victory to the highest mind JGD lv pops

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