Happy Tummy

How FODMAPs Can Effect Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Are you one of the millions with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)? If so, join the growing ranks of digestive disorders in the United States and worldwide. It's truly a big problem! Kevin Johnson of The FODMAP Central wrote a guest post for you about FODMAPs and IBS. While FODMAPs isn't a cure for IBS, it…

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Is healthy food causing your digestion problems?

Mmmm, lunch! Being health-conscious, you grab a bowl of lentil soup with whole wheat toast. You slather it with fat-free apple butter. Later in the day, you treat yourself to a little frozen yogurt with your family. You've picked up these habits after years of trying. But if you're eating really well and still suffering…

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Why is Gluten Causing Problems?

While the exact statistics are fuzzy, it's clear that Celiac disease and gluten sensitivity are on a sharp rise in Western developed nations. We all seem to know someone (or be that someone) who is trying a gluten-free lifestyle - at least this is the trend in the United States. (more…)

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Before You Give Up Gluten, Consider Celiac

I have only one regret about giving up gluten. I wish I had taken the Celiac test and taken full labs BEFORE going gluten-free. At that time, I could not afford the litany of expensive tests without the help of insurance. It's absolutely certain that gluten was destroying my health, slowly and painfully (more…)

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How Bacteria Are Bringing Sexy Back

Bacteria are vindictive, life-sucking demons who must be shunned with every antibacterial scrub and spray made available. At least, that's the conventional wisdom to date. Thankfully, news is leaking out of a surprising, life-supportive relationship with bacteria. Yep, I did say it: bacteria supports life all over, inside and outside, of your body. Many of…

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Eat Ginger

Ginger - rich in superstar antioxidants with exotic names, like gingerol, shagoal, and zingerone.  It is beneficial for a kaleidescope of ailments, most notably appetite loss, stomach upset, stomachache, colic, diarrhea, dyspepsia, flatulence, motion sickness, nausea, pain, motion sickness, arthritis, migraine headaches, coughs and upper respiratory illnessess. It can even be used as a topical…

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