
Remove These Foods If You Have An Irritable Gut

There are a lot of ways in which we don't feel well. We are tired, constipated (or the opposite), bloated, anxious, and can’t think clearly. To make matters worse, there doesn't seem to be anything we can do. So, we put up with feeling unwell. You don’t have to just learn to live with uncomfortable…

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Gratitude and Blessings During Hard Times

Recently, I shared my unlikely birth story (read about it here) that involved nearly 40 days of hospitalization. While it was shocking, a bit frightening, and challenging, my husband Michael and I never lost sight of the many miracles that were upon us. We are deeply grateful. Michael and I are enormously blessed.  In fact,…

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38 days in the hospital with my baby

If evolution really works, how come mothers only have two hands? ~ Milton Berle I've wanted to write you ever since I landed in the hospital. But as being sick goes, things were just too intense to do anything other than take life moment-by-moment. I apologize for taking forever to write you via email to…

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Turn Health Challenges Into Life Gifts

If you're like many people I meet, accepting your body (and any health issue) is rather difficult. The journey in releasing unneeded weight can feel painful and demoralizing when we're constantly focusing on what's wrong about ourselves. Let the process of weight loss be a spiritual journey that’s making you whole and complete. Your weight…

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Seven Reasons To Practice Yoga Every Day

You've heard of yoga before. Maybe you've even taken a class or two. But do you know the benefits of regularly including yoga in your lifestyle? As it turns out, you don't have to be an ascetic or a spiritual seeker to enjoy the physical and mental benefits of this ancient discipline. In fact, no…

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The essential food we’re not eating

My first encounter with wild food came on a fine summer evening in Vermont. Luckily for us, my sister-in-law is skilled in wild mushroom hunting. She oversaw us as we foraged and collected a large bundle of forest mushrooms. Then, we fished on Lake Chelan. As a vegetarian back then, my self-assigned role was that…

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10 Healthy Tips to Maximize Halloween Awesome (Beyond Candy)

Halloween was the standard american sugar binge affair when I grew up. Back then, I couldn't connect the dots between my sugar binges and mood swings, lethargy and blood sugar crashes. Of course I gobbed on countless pounds of candy. And my inner zombie tromped along in full force. Halloween is arguably the most creative American holiday. (more…)

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Boost your brain, heart and liver with choline

If like to learn, value using your brain in your work, or trying to support growing kids who need all the brain boost they can get, this post is for you. Choline is making a buzz around the public health hive for good reason. Your body needs it to support a healthy brain and memory;…

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11 ways to eat less sugar

Sugar didn't used to be hidden in all our food. During our hunter-gatherer days, it's estimated that humans ate probably 6 teaspoons of it per year. (more…)

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9 Reasons Your Body Wants Beets

Beets have been a treasured vegetable throughout history. In Roman times, beet greens were widely enjoyed, and the beetroot itself was reserved for medicinal purposes only. Fast forward to modern times. Beet greens are typically thrown away by consumers who are unaware of their rich nutritional values. Beet root is enjoyed most frequently in the…

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